DMV ATM'S partnered up with PayArc to specialize in supplying brand new, top grade Automated Teller Machines (ATM'S) and credit card machines including POS systems, within the DC, Maryland and Virginia area. We provide free credit card terminals to qualified businesses and eliminate or reduce that hefty monthly fees that your current processing company is charging you. Along with a free credit card terminal you will get a personal log in to your portal to keep track of your business's profits as well as invoices and employee payroll. We do all this, without a contract. We understand how contracts could be a headache in the long run or how processing companies raise their fees every year and you can't do anything about it, since you're under a contract. With DMV ATM's, you can rely on our outstanding customer service, top-tier equipment, and work ethics to keep your business running smoothly and all without the hassle of a contract.